Dietetics and Medical Nutrition
The force behind Health Inn Med is innovative medical nutrition based on knowledge and experience, since healthy diet is not only a list of dishes and recipes, most of all it is a conscious lifestyle based on knowledge. The healthy diet is the best prophylaxis, as well as excellent support for medical treatment.
Do you want to lose weight?
Do you want to feel better?
Do you want to live a healthy lifestyle?
Are you interested in sport nutrition?
Health Inn Med is your professional support on the way to achieve your goals – on the way to your health because your health matters
Be healthy with Health Inn Med
dr Dorian Nowacki

Complex diatery care

Consultation with our specialists in the field of dietetics and nutrition including medical and clinical dietitian
Consultation with our psychodietitian to get the support, motivation and much more…
Meal Plan or Food Plan
Individual diet – Meal Plan or Food Plan adjusted to your health and physical condition. Food Plan is an innovative form of diet where you are compose your daily diet by choosing the favorite Meals from our list.
Diagnostic tests
Body composition analysis, IgG Food Intolerance tests, genetic tests and much more…
learn moreON-LINE Care
Consultation with our specialists, meal plan and Food Plan, everything available ON-LINE
Who creates the Health Inn Med?
Our Team

dr. Dorian Nowacki
Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, clinical dietician, psychodietician

Dmytro Slivinskyi
M.Sc. clinical dietician and nutritionist
IgG Food Intolerance
known also as type 3 food allergy. According to the UK Allergy, IgG Food Intolerance may affects up to 45% of the population. Diagnosis is difficult, because the symptoms are not obvious – may occur even up to 3 days after of the product consumption and quite often don’t seem to be related to food problems.
Do you have frequent bloating after meal?
Do you suffer from constipation or diarrhea?
Do you have skin symptoms?
Do you suffer from headaches?
Do you feel lack of energy?
Do you keep getting sick over and over?
If you experience any of these symptoms and they persist for more than a year – then it is justified to perform the Test for IgG Food Intolerance.
Genetic Predisposition Test
Get to know your genes
It depends on you, whether you use the achievements of modern medicine.
We all know, how genes are so important. They define our body, gender, health, our life – our future. Information hidden in genes could be used to improve quality of life – to live longer and healthier. The genetic profiling allows to compose diet that will be suited to our body with the best possible way. Diet that will improve health and lead us to achieve the desired figure as well as weight, but most of all it will be the best prophylaxis of diseases that risk is coded in our genes. Test of Gene Predisposition is valid for whole life.
Available testsLevel of neurotransmitters and stress hormones
StressPrint test
Every day we struggle with the stress, it is inseparable element of everyday life. The stress could transform into chronic form that is related to serious health consequences. Stress is known as a psychological and emotional state. However, it is also a physiological condition that can be diagnosed. Do you feel lack of energy? Do you feel exhausted? Do you feel stressed? If YES – the StressPrint test seems be the best solution for you
Learn more

Offices WROCŁAW ul. Kard. S. Wyszyńskiego 107/4, 50-307 Wrocław
Offices SMOLEC ul. Topolowa 12, 55-080 Smolec