dr. Dorian Nowacki

Dietetyka i Żywienie Medyczne

dr. Dorian Nowacki

Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, clinical dietician, nutritionist, psychodietician

He received Ph.D. degree (Medical Sciences) with high honours from the Faculty of Medicine of the Wroclaw Medical University. The subject of his Doctoral research was the role of polyunsaturated fatty acids (such as: phospholipids, omega-3 acids, omega-6) in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, he has a M.Sc. degree in dietetics (health sciences) in the field of psychodietetics and obesitology and a M.Sc. Eng. degree in the field of molecular biotechnology.

The implementation potential of his doctoral research allows to be a laureate of the Top 500 Innovators Programme led by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Within the programme he took a professional internship at the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford. He also gained international experience during internships at the Medical Department of the University of Rome Tor Vergata in Italy and at the Sackler Medical Faculty of the University of Tel Aviv in Israel.

Currently, as Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Nutrition of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocława and co-founder and CEO of Health Inn Med sp. o.o. [ltd.]   he is involved in Dietetics and Innovative Medical Nutrition.

He is the author and co-author of international medical articles (i.a. in Nature Publishing Group Journal) as well as a co-author of patents regarding the use of innovative phospholipids in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.


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Should we abandoned the dreams about colonization of other planets in space? (available only in Polish)


Internships for innovators. Our workers go to the USA and England – Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences

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The young face of Polish science with world-wide range (available only in Polish)


The space odyssey is about to begin. (available only in Polish)

Selected articles and scientific reports:

“Lecithin derived from ω-3 PUFA fortified eggs decreases blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats” D. Nowacki, H. Martynowicz, A. Skoczyńska, A. Wojakowska, B. Turczyn, Ł. Bobak, T. Trziszka, A. Szuba
Sci Rep. Link – nature.com

“The effect of coffee and black tea consumption on sleep bruxism intensity based on polysomnographic examination” W. Frosztega, M. Więckiewicz, D. Nowacki [i in.], Heliyon

“A closer look at polyunsaturated fatty acids and hypertension” H. Martynowicz, A. Jodkowska A, D. Nowacki [i in.], Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej

“Sleep architecture and vitamin D in hypertensives with obstructive sleep apnea: A polysomnographic study”
J. Kanclerska, M. Wieckiewicz, D. Nowacki [i in.], Dental and Medical Problems

“Stan odżywienia 14-latków z Wrocławia” J. Wyka, E. Piotrowska, E. Raczkowska, K. Rak, D. Mazurek, M. Bienkiewicz, D. Nowacki, Bromat. Chem. Toksykol. Link – ptfarm.pl

“Wpływ kwasów omega-3 (DHA) na zaburzenia otępienne, w tym chorobę Alzheimera w badaniach zwierzęcych”  B. Stańczykiewicz, D. Nowacki, M. Jakubik, J. Rymaszewska, Psychogeriatr.Pol. Link 

“Wpływ kwasów omega-3 na poziom ołowiu, reaktywność naczyń i lipidy w surowicy szczurów zatruwanych ołowiem” A. Wojakowska, A. Skoczyńska, B. Turczyn, D. Nowacki, Ł. Bobak, B. Smyk, A. Szuba, T. Trziszka
Conference Publication; Olsztyn: UMW Editor,  ISBN 978-83-7299-893-4

“Omega-3 enriched eggs and egg derived products in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases”  A. Szuba, D. Nowacki, K. Skórka-Telichowska, A. Wojakowska, A. Podgórska, A. Doroszko, Ł. Bobak, T. Trziszka
Wrocław Banff Egg Forum 2014, p. 33. ISBN 978-83-7717-185-1

“The phospholipid fraction obtained from egg yolk decreases blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats exposed to acute stress” H. Martynowicz,D. Nowacki, G. Mazur, T. Trziszka. A. Szuba
Journal of Hypertension, doi: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000500248.52671.11. Konferencja: Hypertension Seoul 2016. Link

All scientific publications